Sunday, 29 November 2015

Clare's 17th birthday

I'm recovering from the dreaded norovirus and been off work all week as its taken the wind out of my sails.  For some healing therapy, I made this card for my partner's daughter whose birthday is today. 

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Birthday gift bag

For a young lady's 10th birthday 😎

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Kirsteen's pinny!

Kirsteen, my closest friend whom I've known for some years now, has her own business local to us.  She's a very crafty lady and incorporates some of her handcrafted works of art as part of her merchandise.  Kirsteen felt her cotton monogrammed pinnies were a magnet for some of the glues and glitters she uses and don't stand there's of time. Kirsteen asked if I could make her a pinny slightly larger than her cottons ones using the coated fabric which I agreed to do and here it is: