Just a quickish update! I've not had much time to craft of late though I do have a commission to do another baby boy nappy cake to be created and finished by this Saturday! I returned back to work last weekend after being off work on sick leave due to my backache. So indeed there was a lot to catch up on in that department - and I ended up working an additional 3 hours to make some sense out of the chaos that was on my desk!
Monday was spent shopping for odds and sods in Costco - fairly boring.
Tuesday I had to compromise on a coffee date with Suz - only due to having to wait in on the delivery men for the new washing machine. Coffee/breakfast at mine instead of Starbucks .......
I became an official Stampin' Up Demo!
Wednesday I received my training for 'paired reading' at school. I felt quite emotional as it will help kids get more 1:1 attention and help them with their reading skills. It's absolutely nothing to do with special needs - just kids who need a bit more understanding and time to read. That starts on Monday!
Today I've got the parent council meeting tonight so have had to prepare for that, check PC related emails etc.
I've also got to go up to Edinburgh's Fort to complete the shopping list for my son's P7 school camp where he will be off to next week. Thank goodness we've already got the suitcase from Marianne's P7 school camp! Got to get wellies, lots of underwear and joggers - warm clothing really!
Tomorrow I've got my 1st driving lesson [again!]. Last time I sat driving a car was 15½ years ago! Things and life are at the point where I should be driving. Stewart being on night shift and kids school holidays won't make for a happy time - trying to keep kids quiet?!! I'll have a lot more independence and I know I'll wonder how I ever did without it!!
Got to finish off the nappy cake and card. Then help out at the cheer leading which my youngest attends every Friday - they are preparing for a competition!
Then it'll be the weekend again - spent working! LOL